plant n. 1.植物,草木 (opp. animal); 草本;〔商用语〕树秧,苗木。 2.庄稼,作物,收获;(植物的)生育。 3.设备,装置;(工)厂,车间;(农)场;(研究所、医院、大学等的)全部设备。 4.智力工作的工具〔书籍、实验仪器等〕;方法。 5.〔俚语〕花招,诈欺;欺诈者。 6.〔英俚〕侦探。 7.(戏剧的)伏线。 8.〔美俚〕假装观众的演员;(在歹徒等中布置的)内线。 9.有计划的犯罪;赃品隐藏库;歹徒巢窟;鸦片馆;(逮捕罪犯的)圈套。 a pot plant 盆栽植物。 flowering plants 显花植物。 ball plants 带土(秧)苗。 cabbage plants 甘蓝秧。 the humble [sensitive] plant 含羞草。 a manufacturing plant 制造厂。 a water [hydraulic] power plant 水力发电厂。 an arms plant 兵工厂。 a robotized plant 自动化工厂。 in plant 生长者,活着。 lose plant 枯死。 miss [fail in] plant 长不出;不发芽。 vt. 1.栽(树、花),播(种);移植(植物);移民于(某处),殖(民)。 2.养(蚝等);放养(鱼)。 3.安,放,装,竖,插;创立,建设,设置,设立,树立;布置(内线)。 4.刺,扎,插进 (in on) (把子弹)打进;〔俚语〕给与(打击);〔拳击俚〕看准打。 5.传播,散播(新思想等),灌输 (in)。 6.〔美俚〕埋,窝藏(赃品等);栽(赃)。 7.〔俚语〕把(砂金或矿砂等)放在矿里诱人来买;图谋(欺骗等)。 plant a garden 培植庭园。 plant ideas in mind 把思想灌输到心中。 plant one's fists in sb.'s face 用拳头猛打某人的脸。 plant soldiers as colonists in the frontier districts 在边境地区驻军屯垦。 plant on 〔俚语〕拿假东西(卖)给人;向某人栽赃(把赃证暗藏在某人处,使他成为嫌疑犯)。 plant oneself 占一个位置;站住;站起来。 plant out (从盆等中)移植(到地上);隔相当的距离栽植;【造园】栽种植物遮住…。 -let 树苗,小树。
The muntjac particularly like eating bluebells and other sensitive plants in woodlands 麂鹿特别喜食蓝铃草和其他生长在林地中的娇嫩的植物。
7 . the dynamic transformation of pod activity differs obviously in resistant plant and sensitive plant 7 .植物叶片的pod酶活性在抗性和敏感植物体内动态变化明显不同。
An example is the sensitive plant ( mimosapudica ) , whose leaflets progressively collapse , sometimes throughout the whole plant , once one leaflet is touched 例如含羞草(含羞草属) ,当它的1个小叶被触碰时,叶状体逐渐皱缩,有时遍及整个植株。
Seismonasty ( seismonastic movements ) a nastic movement in response to shock . an example is the collapse of leaves of the sensitive plant ( mimosa pudica ) when touched or shaken 感震性(感震运动) :是一种针对震动刺激的感性运动。例如敏感植物(含羞草)的叶子被触摸或震动时的收拢现象。
After polluted by so2 , the pod activity of resistant plant is stronger than sensitive plant ' s , and the self - recover to normal condition ability and fighting comparatively high dose so2 ability are obviously stronger than sensitive plant ' s 在受到50 :污染后,抗性植物pod酶活性高于敏感植物,而且自我调节恢复正常状态的能力和忍受较高50 :剂量的能力明显强于敏感植物。
9 . after fumigation for 3h in diverse concentration so2 , mda content general level is in resistant plant is obviously lower than sensitive plant ' s , and the fighting membrein grease over burn ability of resistant plant is dearly stronger than sensitive plant ' s 9 .不同浓度的50 :熏气3h后,抗性植物体内的mda含量总体水平显著低于敏感植物,抗性植物抗膜脂过氧化的能力明显大于敏感植物。
10 . after polluted by so2 , both chlorophyll and protein content in resistant plant leaves and sensitive plant leaves decrease . the higher so2 concentration , the bigger decreased rate , and the decreased rate of sensitive plant is obviously bigger than resistant plant 10 .在受到50 :污染后,杭性和敏感植物叶片中叶绿素和蛋白质的含量均有所降低,且50 :浓度越高,下降的比率越大,但敏感植物的下降比率显著大于抗性植物。
Desiccation - sensitive plants and / or different resurrection ones were often used in previous studies on desiccation tolerant mechanisms of resurrection plants , which often resulted in similar findings among desiccation - sensitive plants and resurrection ones . it did n ' t reveal the exact desiccation tolerant mechanisms of resurrection plants 前人在研究复苏植物的耐脱水复苏机理时常常以非复苏植物或不同的复苏植物种为对照,得出的结果往往是复苏植物和非复苏植物在脱水复水过程中所共有的机制,不能很好的揭示复苏植物能够复苏的真正机理。
8 . after fumigation for 3h in diverse concentration so2 , the cat activity of resistant plant and sensitive plant is obviously less than the check group , and the rate of cat decrease rises with the rise of so2 concentration . the cat activity of resistant plant is comparatively stronger than sensitive plant ' s 8 .不同浓度的50 :熏气3h后,抗性和敏感植物体内的cat活性均明显低于对照,而且随50 :浓度的增大cat降低的比率也随之增大,浓度越大,差别越显著,而且抗性植物体内的cat酶活性相对高于敏感植物。
semi-climbing prickly evergreen shrub of tropical America having compound leaves sensitive to light and touch 同义词:Mimosa sensitiva,
prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia; heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled 同义词:touch-me-not, shame plant, live-and-die, humble plant, action plant, Mimosa pudica,